Section: New Results

Guaranteed Services of the NoC of a Manycore Processor

Participants : Benoit Dupont-de-Dinechin [Kalray] , Yves Durand [CEA] , Duco Van Amstel [Kalray] , Alexandre Ghiti [Kalray] .

In the case of the MPPA(TM)-256 chip the study of the integrated Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a fundamental subject for anyone using this architecture for time-critical purposes or real-time use-cases that need guarantees on the Worst-Case Traversal Time (WCTT) of the NoC. Previous work has already shown that the MPPA(TM)-256 NoC can be modelled using the (sigma, rho)-model. In the current work we will elaborate on this point by providing an indepth analysis of the NoC as well as the method to guarantee Quality-of-Service properties.

This work has been presented at the International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures 2014.